ESG in Deals

In an increasingly global and interconnected economy, the impact of environmental, social, and governance factors (ESG) on investment outcomes cannot be underestimated. Today, ESG considerations represent a key element in both capital placement and M&A decisions.

Our team of seasoned experts brings an in-depth understanding of ESG-related risks and opportunities, as well as a nuanced appreciation of cultural, regulatory, and market-specific factors that can influence deal outcomes in the Asian context. We help you in both making your company deal-ready to even the most requiring investors, and to review the ESG risks, challenges and opportunities of potential targets.

ESG Due Diligence

ARC Consulting provides comprehensive ESG due diligence, identifying potential risks and rewards that could impact investment decisions.


Regulatory Compliance

Our service ensures that all potential targets or partners comply with relevant regulations, mitigating legal risks and potential reputational damage.



Before any transaction – be it an acquisition, merger, IPO or fundraising – we ensure that you meet all requisite ESG compliance standards and more, making you deal-ready and giving you an edge over competition.

Risk Management

ARC Consulting assess and manage ESG-related risks in transactions, from reputational risks to regulatory and operational risks.

    Ready to talk to our experts?
