When talking about intellectual property security in China and elsewhere in Asia, the problems are often rooted in government driven protectionism, difficulties in finding evidence, disproportionately small damage awards – if any, and a perceived bias against foreigners.


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In January 2023 Asia Perspective was acquired by global financial services company ARC Group and was renamed as ARC Consulting. This is an archived article preserving reports from Asia Perspective’s history. For the latest news from ARC Group and ARC Consulting, visit our News & Insights page.


This perception is justified to some degree, but in many cases the hardship results from deficiencies in establishing the right strategies, quick-jumps into partnerships with unknown companies, a low understanding of the local market dynamics, or from a generally blue-eyed attitude.

No matter how intelligently intellectual property protection strategies and measures have been established, one day one may notice that one’s creations of mind have been taken into use by third parties, unexpectedly and without approval. Finding the perpetrators, the location and the magnitude of the infringing activities often turn into a nightmare – a mission impossible. The question arises: Should one simply accept the state of affairs and be more prudent in the future?

At ARC Consulting we have an excellent track record in solving this type of problems. The same effective methods and approaches that we’re using in our other assignments have proved to be workable in detecting infringing activities. Once the investigative mapping has been successfully carried out, the client will receive a full report of the findings and full evidence of the infringing activities to carry out legal action.

In order to further enhance the level of service quality, ARC Consulting and Berggren have decided to offer IPR Infringement Mapping as a joint end-to-end service, where Berggren’s unique technological expertise will benefit any infringement inspection.

For more than 80 years Berggren has helped businesses achieve success by assisting them with all aspects of their intellectual property rights.  Berggren provides professional IP services throughout the entire IP life cycle, from initial creation to protection, enforcement and monetization. The Berggren team includes nearly 200 total employees, making it one of the largest IP firms in all of Europe.

For more information feel free to contact:


Sami Lindström – ARC Consulting


+ 358 40 5774344, +86 158 2124 7270


Sakari Värilä – Berggren


+ 358 10 227 2381, +358 40 838 5447
